LIMEDROP INTERVIEW: Brendan Mcknight November 29 2015

Brendan McknightBrendan Mcknight


Today on the blog, we have Frankie brand manager and all round legend, Brendan Mcknight! Find out what he gets up to when he's off duty and his top tips for marketing success.  Check out his Instagram to see more of Brendan here.

Who you are? What do you do/ believe in? Hi there, I’m Brendan, I’m a dude living in Melbourne. During working hours, I’m the brand & marketing manager at frankie press (frankie magazine and Smith Journal). During non-working hours I enjoy napping, road trips, country towns, indoor plants, tealight candles and eating cheese. I’ve recently learnt to believe in the power of JOMO – the joy of missing out. Not feeling like you need to be everywhere, be friends with everyone, know about everything.

What are your top two tips for creating marketing success? Keep your audience at the forefront of every decision you make. They are the ones that will make or break whatever you are working on. Try to take a step back and question things with fresh eyes (or ask a friend/stranger to do it for you). Don’t assume that your audience understands the history/message/call to action that you are pushing. Think about what will they will best respond to… How will they respond to it? Will they understand what it means/what it is?

I guess this second tip is more PR based, but from receiving hundreds of press releases a week, you get to know what works and what doesn’t. No one has time to read your two page, ten paragraph press release. Keep it snappy, keep it visual (images please), keep it on brand and keep it to the point. PDF it, don’t make me open Microsoft Word. Think of the person on the other side of the screen that you are trying to connect to, and ask yourself what message is going to be the most exciting/relevant to them? Do your research and find out exactly who to send it to. ‘To whom it may concern’ is lazy and will get your email sent straight to the trash pile. A personalised, well-thought out and relevant press release to ten people is loads better than a blanket email sent to 100 people.

What is something that you never thought would be possible that is now possible? Holograms!